I wouldn’t touch them with a twelve foot barge pole even though our lying MP scoundrels would like us to trust them for a change and think GMO foods are good for Kenya;a country that has never had problems feeding its own until government officials started messing up our agriculture through their thieving ways.
Read for yourself and make up your mind about what your little ones and your loved ones will be eating.
Nothing’s to say that your little baby won’t develop cancer or some other genetic disease from eating genetically modified food that has genes from bacteria and viruses to enable it to produce pesticides.
May be with prolonged use your darling will start growing an extra finger or losing their hair or start growing bones from their head in the form of horns due to the wrong message being conveyed to his/her genes.
May be they will start having difficulties breathing for no reason at all and despite all the exercise they get and the healthy diet they get daily. May be they will start losing their hearing or sight.
‘'May be…’ because no extensive tests have been carried out to make sure the food you make from GMOs is safe for your little ones. There’s no evidence that your loved ones will not die due to long term use of food of the GMO kind. How’s that for chance?
Let me give you my two cents worth of thinking into this before I give you the links to the stories I want you to read.
We all know that there are certain chemicals that accumulate into the body with prolonged use and one such chemical is DDT. The other is mercury.
If chemicals can accumulate in the body then pesticides made by plants can also accumulate in our bodies from prolonged use of those plants as food. If that’s the case then after a number of years we will begin to experience the effects of having food with certain genes that produce certain chemicals to effect certain changes.
If the crop has a way of producing chemicals to keep insects at bay then with time those chemicals will accumulate in our bodies meaning that we will die or develop problems or worse still, our children, who will consume them over a longer period of time – because they are young and have a long life ahead of them – will develop even worse problems.
Read this and be horrified:
Now you know.
Together as one, we can safeguard the future of your little ones and your loved ones.
Together as one, we can make their food safer and save you and them lots of money in medical bills.
Together as one.
by Robert Kamau